Stefanie Magnuson's Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells Race Report

Team PR Performance had a great showing of six athletes at the inaugural Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells! Following is Stefanie’s Magnuson’s report from this new race on the Ironman 70.3 circuit. Fantastic job, Stefanie and team!

December 9, 2018 - Indian Wells

I signed up for this race within a couple weeks of completing a BRUTAL race in Whistler, where I had a personal WORST due to very very hot temperatures on the run!

Rocky agreed, Indian Wells would be a great race to shoot for; to end the season and to cap off my 45-49AG racing.

For this race, I had a great round of training with Rocky.  I was feeling more focused than in the past and made some pretty good improvements – so I was excited.  But then the rumblings about the cold water started & I began to get very nervous.  Obviously, there was nothing I could do about it – but I was still nervous; I just resigned myself to the fact that I was going to be VERY cold in the water and at the start of the bike.  

Through all my training, I had ideas of finish times etc… but in the couple of days leading up, I decided to let go of time goals and just do what I could on race day.  (I actually do this before every race HA!).

SWIM (47min): It was hard to imagine that such a pretty little lake could be so horrible to swim in.  I think that helped me, mentally.  I did not do a pre-swim at all.  It was not allowed before race day, only the morning of.  I skipped the morning of – just to avoid being cold while waiting to start the race.  Which, in the end – I believe was a wise move.  It took nearly an hour to get in the water.  The first few steps in the water were not bad at all…. By the time I was ALL IN…. yes – it was COLD!!  I took the advice of everyone who knows best – and started slow.  There were a lot of people going in ALL directions and swimming ALL different kinds of strokes.  It was very chaotic.  I got kicked in the face, hit, pushed.  Just glad I didn’t lose my goggles!  It was packed for the whole course – I never had a good line.  Even with all of that, I am pleased with my swim.

T1 (10min!!!): OMG!!! TEN MINUTES??!!  Yep – did the wetsuit & wardrobe struggle with numb hands, there were not enough volunteers to help in the tents.  Then – my bike was nearly 400yds from where I was changing…. Not a recipe for a fast transition.  Oh well!!

BIKE (2:53hr):  On to the ride!  Phew! Started hydrating and eating as soon as I could.  It was kind of rough roads getting out of the lake area, but then, the first hour was smooth and fast – YAY!  After that, the rest of the ride was a mix of somewhat rough roads and headwinds.  Kept my watts in check – which was more great advice.  Kept my head down as much as I could to slip through the headwinds better.  Started getting sick of my nutrition/hydration after a couple hours.  Being in aero for so long seems to mess with my digestion.  So, sips of hydration for the last hour was all I could manage.  I was happy to see T2.

T2 (6min!!!)  OMG – another SLOW transition!!  Ugh!  But, getting off my bike, to switch my watch – it was DEAD!!!  WHAT??!!! So, from that point on, everything was by feel.  I can easily blow myself up by going out too fast – so I forced myself to just be chill.

RUN (2:01hr): I started out feeling pretty good.  It was just so hard to not know where I was pacing.  I asked a few people their pace – to try to gauge, it helped a little, but after a while – I got tired of asking.  I do think, if I’d had my watch, I might have been more consistent & maybe pushed myself a little more.  Those miles on the golf course seems to take FOREVER & it was warming up.  I also had to make a pit stop, which I do at every race.  I was hoping to break 2hrs on the run, I was close – but just didn’t make it.  Again, maybe if I’d had my watch, I could have pulled it off?  Who knows.


With Rocky’s coaching throughout 2018, I have improved quite a lot and reached my goal of FINALLY breaking 6hrs in a Half Ironman race.  I’m so lucky to be part of a great team that offers so much encouragement and support.  And I look forward to what 2019 brings. 

Stefanie Magnuson at IM 70.3 Canada earlier this year

Stefanie Magnuson at IM 70.3 Canada earlier this year